Your initial contact with Dr. Black will likely be a short phone consultation. This will allow you to briefly describe your concerns and Dr. Black to discuss her services and how they might fit your needs. If you decide to proceed, she will schedule an initial intake visit. If you find Dr. Black's services not to be a match for your needs, please feel free to ask for referrals to other area professionals.
At the initial visit, you will discuss your concerns in greater detail. This visit will last 1 to 1 1/2 hours and will include reviewing history, better determining what you wish to obtain from treatment, and completing needed clinical and practice paperwork. This initial session will also allow you to gain a better sense of Dr. Black and her approach to therapy.
For children and adolescents under age 18, the parent(s) will be required to attend the initial session with the child and then attend sessions as agreed upon with Dr. Black. Young adults aged 18 and older may attend independently, although Dr. Black may discuss including parents in treatment when she believes it would be beneficial. Please note that while Dr. Black will address relationship difficulties for individuals, she does not provide couples or marriage counseling.
Following the initial session, Dr. Black will work collaboratively with you to develop a schedule of treatment. Typically treatment is provided weekly or biweekly, although some urgent issues may warrant more frequent sessions. Your treatment will be reviewed on a regular basis to assess your progress, address any difficulties, and adjust the plan as needed to improve your overall satisfaction and outcome.